Pastoral Staff

Dr. Matt Endris, Pastor

Bro. Matt came to Fairview as pastor in September of 2006. Prior to coming to Fairview, he was pastor of the Atlanta Baptist Church in Atlanta, La. for a little over five years. He is married to Jana DeBusk of Williana, LA and they have two children, Claire and Levi. Bro. Matt grew up in Blanchard, LA and graduated from Northwood High School in 1993. He then attended the best university in Louisiana (well, that's what he says anyway) and graduated from Northwestern State University in 1997 with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. He and Mrs. Jana were married that same year and attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He was graduated in 2001 earning a Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages. In May 2017, Bro. Matt completed a Doctor of Ministry degree with a specialization in Christian Theological Heritage from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Mrs. Jana is a graduate of Louisiana College and holds a degree in Elementary Education. Bro. Matt says, "I have found that she is 95% of my ministry. I could neither do what I do nor be who I need to be without her help. She is the love of my life who completes me." Bro. Matt also loves his two children who are, as he says, "...the life of the party and joy of my heart."  He counts it a privilege to serve Christ at His church here in Fairview.

Dr. J. Cardinell, Associate Pastor of Christian Education

Bro J. came to Fairview in May 2011. He is a graduate New Orleans Seminary where he recieved his Masters of Divinty specializing in  church ministry and his PhD in Christan Education. J. is passionate about the educational ministry of the church. He believes it is key to helping Christians grow in their relationship with Christ.

Along with his seminary degrees, J. is a graduate of Delta State University, in Cleveland MS, and Wheaton College, in Wheaton IL. Degrees, however, are only paper. He hopes that his time at Fairview will be measured through the lens of Ephesians 4:11-14.

In his free time J. enjoys paddeling his kayak around the black water sloughs and bayous around Red River Parish or reading a good book. 

Bro. Caleb Willis, Minister of Music

Bro. Caleb came to Fairview in June 2016. He is originally from Leblanc, LA and graduated from Kinder High School in 2016. He graduated from Louisiana College in May 2016 with a Bachelor of Music in Instrumental Music Education. Bro. Caleb’s service started at Tioga FBC as their part-time music minister in September 2014.

Bro. Caleb’s heart is for God’s people to engage in biblical worship every day of their lives. He believes the Sunday morning worship time is a time to equip the saints and exalt the Savior. “Worship”, for him, is the way in which we live our lives and should not be exclusive to Sunday mornings. His favorite verse on worship comes from Colossians 3:16, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

Bro. Daniel McAlexander, Minister of Youth

Bro. Daniel and his wife Baley joined our leadership team in September of  2016. While not new to the community, having been raised less than a couple of miles from the church, Daniel is the newest member of our staff. He and Baley are excited about what God will do in and through our Crossover Youth Ministry. A graduate of Louisiana College, Daniel works at Cason Plantation. Baley, a native of Dry Creek, Louisiana, is currently a student at Northwesterm State University. They have been married since May 2016.